Detailing Guides

Car Brite's Professional Automotive Reconditioning Process is designed to help you consistently achieve the highest reconditioning quality. While not the only method for detailing a vehicle, this process has long been safely and effectively utilized by reconditioning professionals worldwide.

Whether you use the process outlined or another method, be sure to follow the same sequence on each vehicle. A consistent approach ensures consistent results. Below are highlights from our highly detailed training manuals. If you wish to learn more about these training manuals or our training, please contact us.


Exterior Work

  1. Degrease Vehicle
  2. Clean Wheels & Tires
  3. Remove Grease, Tar & Wax
  4. Wash And Clay Exterior
  5. Dress Engine And Exterior Rubber, Plastic & Vinyl Surfaces


Painted Surface Reconditioning

  1. Inspect Paint And Remove Scratches & Oxidation
  2. Paint Gloss Enhancement & Stages of Paint Correction


Interior Work

  1. Remove Debris & Vacuum
  2. Clean And Dress Interior Rubber, Plastic & Vinyl Surfaces
  3. Clean All Glass Surfaces
  4. Clean Carpets, Seats & Upholstery
  5. Dye Deeply Stained Fabrics


Helpful Documents, Detailing Checklist

Professional Auto Detailing Checklist (pdf file)

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